The Real Cost of Owning A Pet

A pet adds joy to anyone’s life. There is something about animals that draw some people towards becoming a fur parent. You will enjoy the unconditional love given to you by your pet, while at the same time having a chance to be more selfless and caring each time towards your fur babies. But the question is – is it affordable to own a pet?

Sure, you want to adopt or maybe even buy that adorable little pup at the Vet or animal shelter. However, there are so many things to think about after you have brought that pooch home. Aside from food, you need to be aware of other expenses that pet owners shoulder all the time such as vet visits, cleaning and maintenance, medication, and a cozy home for your pet. This is why you should factor in the costs of these items to help you decide if you can indeed spend some extra money for your pet or not.

Allow us to assist you with working out the different costs involved each type of pet as presented below.

1. Dogs and Puppies

The average lifespan of most canines is between 10 and 17 years old. Some breeds live longer than others, but it still depends on how healthy and well taken care of your pet is. This is why if you are considering owning a pup, you may want to check various items involved that add to the overall expenses of having this kind of a pet.

Some people wonder why it is even important to think about the cost of getting a dog. If you decide to adopt one, it may be much cheaper than having to buy a pup. But at the same time, there are expenses that pile up once you bring your pet home. There are those who bulk at spending $500 to as much $1000 to own a pooch. So, they assume that getting a poorly bred one is the best way to go, but you will take care of your pet for years – and the cost of it is not as cheap as how you think it is.

If you truly love your pet, you will do everything to treat it with so much love, kindness, and commitment. You have to be devoted to do what it takes to make sure your furry pal is in excellent condition at all times – and this does not only involve the food it eats. Health care is an important area to think about, including grooming and maintenance.

But to give you some more ideas about one-time costs, here are some figures for you:

Purchase of a dog, depending on the breed and size – $1,500 to $4,000
Spaying or neutering – $300 to $500
Disposing – $300 to $500
Cage, collar, leash, and accessories – $100 to $300

Annual Reccurring Costs:

Food – $300 to $500
Grooming – $200 to $300
Treats – $100 to $200
Dog Shampoo – $30 to $50
Vet Fees – $200 to $800
Toys – $100 to $200

Overall expenses: About $20,000 to $30,000

2. Cats and Kittens

Averaging a lifespan of about 15 to 20 years, cat lovers dream of owning these furry felines and making them as part of their family. These adorable cats make an amazing pet because they enjoy cuddling and giving you the affection you crave for. Some cats even love to give gentle massages or lick their fur parent to express how much they appreciate them.

But the thing is, owning a cat is not without any cost. Just like with having a dog for a pet, you should be aware of the expenses that comes with it such as food, veterinary care, medication, spaying or neutering, and so on. But cats are generally different than canines because of the somewhat wild life that they have. Unfortunately, you need to make sure your cat is not infested with parasites or diseases of viral nature that may only harm your furry friend. This is why sending her to a vet for checkups is important to ensure the overall health and well-being of your cat.

You need to be aware of the fact that owning a cat involves not just the basic needs, but also its social and emotional needs. After you have purchased a cat, you should make a way to give it attention by playing with your pet. This makes it possible for you to have a happy and contented pet who will stand by you and remain loyal to you at all times.

Now, what are the different expenses involved when you have a cat for a pet? Generally, the price you pay on a one-time basis is lower than when you get a dog. But as for the other expenses that recur on a monthly or yearly basis, these may be a little similar as what you can expect from having a canine as a fur baby.

The following are one-time expenses to think about when you get a cat:

Purchase cost – $300 to $1,000, depending on the breed and size of a cat. Adopting a cat is much cheaper than buying one.

Spaying or neutering – $80 to $150

Carrier, cage, crate, and other accessories – $100 to $300

Disposing – $200 to $300

Annual recurring costs:

Food – $300 to $400

Cat litter – $400 to $500
Treats – $200 to $300

Medical care/ vet fees – $100 to $200

Total expenses – About $15,000 to $25,000

3. Lagomorphs and rodents (rabbits, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas)

These adorable little creatures are a pleasure to own because of their cute appearance and mellow temperament. But they seem a little delicate to care for because of their size along with the special treatment they need in terms of medical care. Some veterinarians do not specialise in treating these animals, so you may have to look for one whom you can consult for care and treatment of your pet.

If given the right care and attention, these animals can live between 2 and 10 years. As for the price involved in owning these rodents, you may notice that it is generally cheaper than having bigger animals such as a dog or a cat. They only need a small cage to live in, and food is also relatively cheap. However, if you plan on getting a rabbit, you should provide ample space for your pet to explore and hop around.

Here are one-time fees for owning this type of pet:

Purchase cost – $25 to $500, depending on the breed and type of animal

Spaying or neutering – $70 to $150

Cage, crate, waterbottle, feeder, and other accessories – $100

Disposing – $100 to $200

Annual recurring expenses:

Food – $50 to $100

Bedding – $50 to $100

Veterinary care – $40 to $200

Total expenses – About $600 to $2,500

4. Aquatic Animals (Tortoise, Terrapins, Fish)

There is something quite calming and soothing about watching your fish swim around the aquarium, as though it is happily enjoying life. Not only is this therapeutic to see, but you are also giving your love to an animal that deserves your affection and kindness.

Some people who have allergies to fur and feathers choose to own aquatic animals because they don’t shed at all. This means no feather or fur wafting in air, which spares you from sneezing or coughing. They can also live between 2 and 50 years, so that would mean long years of spending time with your pet.

Below are one-time expenses to think about should you decide to own this type of animal:

Purchase cost – $5 to $50

Aquarium, lights, pump, rocks, decor, $8 to $300

Annual recurring expenses:

Food – $20 to $30

Filter – $50 to $500

Veterinary care – $50

Dechlorine solution – $10 to $30

All in all, before you decide to buy an animal for a pet, make it a point to determine your budget and time availability to properly care for you pet. This way, you can be sure that your pet turns out into a healthy and happy animal, as it deserves to be in such a condition. Hence, every one should always save up for rainy days.

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